Mind Psychology Fife
CBT - Schema Therapy - ACT - Mindfulness - Compassion Focused Therapy - Internal Family Systems

Mind Psychology Fife aims to provide a therapeutic psychological counselling service that improves wellbeing by helping people better understand and connect with themselves, others and the world around them; allowing for a more authentic, meaningful, and fulfilling life.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, CBT - Schema Therapy - ACT - Mindfulness - Compassion Focused Therapy - Internal Family Systems (IFS)
Mind Psychology Fife, Psychological Counselling, Psychotherapy & CBT, Dunfermline

"I am not what happened to me, I choose what I become"
Carl Jung
Who Am I?
Dr Mari Bruce
Counselling Psychologist, HCPC Registered & CBT Therapist

Hello and welcome. I’m Dr Mari Bruce, Counselling Psychologist, HCPC Registered & CBT Therapist. I'm based just outside Dunfermline and bring over 15 years of experience within NHS and private sectors.
Doctorate in Counselling Psychology 2015
MSc in Psychological Therapies in Primary Care (CBT) 2007
Counselling Psychologists are trained at the highest level and draw upon a variety of psychological models such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Psychodynamic Theory, Attachment models, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), Compassion Focused Therapy, Schema Therapy, Humanistic Counselling & Mindfulness.
Emotional and psychological issues can often be normal reactions to life events. I hope to come alongside you to help place emotional reactions in context and to collaboratively explore psychological models in order to assist you in developing self awareness and ways to process difficulties, evolve and thrive.
Key to this process is our therapeutic relationship and I hope to offer you a safe, sincere and compassionate therapeutic relationship where you feel able to explore what’s important to you and give yourself the opportunity to move towards living the life you want.
Counselling Psychologists are particularly focused on the relational aspect of therapy to enable change. We are trained to work using an integrative approach with a number of different models allowing a bespoke approach, tailored for your needs.
About Therapy
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy CBT - Schema Therapy - ACT - Mindfulness - Compassion Focused Therapy
What is therapy?
What is Therapy?

What is therapy?
Therapy is an opportunity to understand and alleviate distress. When we have a deeper understanding of self, and why we do the things we do, we can make conscious decisions in life which are in alignment with what is important to us.
Part of therapy is about noticing unhelpful life patterns that keep us stuck. This involves developing more awareness of our emotions, thoughts and actions. Difficult emotions can be challenging and In times of distress we often push our thoughts and feelings away. However therapy allows you the space to understand to understand your distress and to develop tools to help you move through it. It provides opportunity to look at thinking differently and to increase awareness of emotions discovering they can in fact be a guide to help us act differently and meet our unmet needs.
Therapy explores healthy ways of coping and changing how we respond to difficulties using psychological models such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy CBT, Schema Therapy, Humanistic counselling, Compassion Focused Therapy, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, Motivational Interviewing and Mindfulness.
Counselling Psychologists place significant focus on the relational aspects of therapy which can provide opportunity to form positive attachments and opportunity to try out different ways of being relationally within the safety of the therapeutic relationship.
Therapy typically lasts for 6-24 sessions and is usually held either weekly or fortnightly.
You might want to see me for....

Therapy is effective for a variety of emotional issues. I have experience of working with:
Low mood
Self esteem
Anxiety, panic attacks & phobias
Social anxiety
Health anxiety
Death anxiety
Eating Disorders
Relationship issues
Parenting issues
Attachment difficulties
Emotional Regulation
Gambling & Alcohol Use
Exploring life transitions.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy CBT
“The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives”
William James
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an empowering self help approach. It’s a way of talking about how you think about yourself, the world and other people around you. It highlights the relationship between thoughts, feelings and how you behave.
The essence of CBT is that it’s not necessarily events themselves that upset us, but the meaning and interpretation we give them. By becoming aware of your thinking patterns, changing how you think and what you do, and altering cycles of thinking, feelings and behaviour you can learn how to make positive changes to your situation.
While CBT acknowledges that past events can impact upon how you feel and think, it tends to focus more on the here and now. CBT can also help you evaluate your thought patterns and find out whether they are realistic or unhelpful. It can also help you to gradually approach things you might usually avoid.
CBT will introduce you to a set of principles that you can apply to your life when you need to, and will stand you in good stead throughout life.
CBT uses a collaborative relationship whereby the therapist and client are equal partners working together on the issues, while simultaneously encouraging independence on the part of the client. The approach typically lasts between 6 – 16 sessions dependent upon circumstances.
Schema Therapy
Schema Therapy works at a deeper level than CBT. Here, the concept of core needs is central to understanding an individual's emotional and psychological development. Core needs are the innate, universal emotional needs that all individuals have. They represent fundamental requirements for emotional well-being. The neglect of these core needs during one's formative years can lead to the development of early unhelpful schemas to help make sense of the world. Schema Therapy focuses on identifying and addressing these unmet core needs to promote emotional healing and growth.
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy ACT/Mindfulness
ACT suggests that by suppressing and struggling with thoughts and feelings we actually cause ourselves more distress. Instead of pushing away and trying to change thoughts and feelings it suggests we engage with them mindfully, so allowing ourselves to be present with them without being overly attached to them. This involves developing an awareness of our thoughts and feelings, an acceptance of them and approaching them with non judgemental curiosity. The model also encourages us to be mindful of what’s important to us in terms of our values and to commit to fulfilling these. Paradoxically by practicing more acceptance towards our difficulties and struggling less, we improve our relationship with them.
Compassion Focused Therapy
CFT aims to help us improve our wellbeing by developing more compassion towards our selves and others. It aims to help balance emotional regulation systems within the brain and is particularly interested in balancing the soothing system. The model is considered to be particularly helpful for shame and self criticism and can involve elements of CBT, mindfulness and compassion based imagery.
What happens at my first appointment?
We'll have opportunity to talk about your issues and understand triggers and aspects of life that may be maintaining the issue. We can talk through which psychological models might be helpful for you. Counselling Psychologists work in an integrated way which means they can tailor a bespoke approach for you using a variety of evidence based models.

Mind Psychology Fife, Psychological Counselling, Psychotherapy & CBT, Dunfermline

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
Viktor E. Frankl
Fees & Contact

Appointments are £110 - 120 per session. Payment can be made in cash, by bank transfer or by card machine.
Both in person appointments and online virtual appointments are available.
I also offer psychological therapy funded by private health insurance.
Axa, Aviva, Bupa, Cigna, WPA
@ drmaribruce@gmail.com or 01383 663862
Unfortunately, I am unable to provide a crisis service. For crisis support please contact your GP, NHS 111, Samaritans 116 123 www.samaritans.org or Breathing Space 0800 838587 https://breathingspace.scot
​You can also text SHOUT to 85258 https://giveusashout.org
Mind Psychology Fife, Psychological Counselling, Psychotherapy & CBT, Dunfermline

“What is it you plan
to do with your one wild
and precious life?” ~
Mary Oliver